2024 Competition

The Eighth Annual University of Miami Three Minute Thesis Competition took place on February 22, 2024, at the Lakeside Village Expo Center.
First Place and People's Choice

Christian McDonald, Ph.D. student in the Miller School of Medicine
Dissertation- An eIF2-independent mechanism of translation initiation in KSHV replication and oncogenesis 


Emma Pontes, Ph.D. student in the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
Dissertation- Suffocating Reefs: Investigating the effects of hypoxia on coral reefs

Full List of Competitors:
  • Salman Ahmad, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Kaylie Cullison, College of Engineering
  • Dallas Howard, Frost School of Music 
  • Shiyi Zhang, Miami Herbert Business School
  • Christian McDonald, Miller School of Medicine
  • Emma Pontes, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Science
  • Hannah Artman, School of Communication
Full Recording of the Competition

For the full program of the event, click here.

Click here to view event pictures and more information. 

Photo Album
